How much will the ticket passes cost? We’re aiming for $45-$75 each, which will depend on the events we select, but we want the decision to participate to be based on interest in the program’s goals.

What and when are the events? We have a tentative line-up of three events. We’ll announce the dates and titles at the January kick-off event once we’ve been able to confirm ticket availability with the arts organizations.

What if I can’t commit several months in advance for an arts event on a particular night? We’ll work with arts organizations to provide alternative options for those who have to miss an event, at no additional charge.

How many churches are being invited to participate? We’re inviting three churches. We dream of one day being able to include any church in the Chattanooga area that wants to be part of the program, but for this pilot season we’re keeping it small and manageable.

What other questions do you have? Contact us at [email protected] and we’ll get back to you to schedule a phone call or meeting.