For churches

If your church would like to participate, we’ll ask you to:

Invite 12-16 people from your congregation to participate in the pilot season by attending the kick-off dinner in January and considering purchasing a CAB pass to three curated local arts events.

If they purchase a pass, they would agree to:

  • Attend the arts events,
  • Review background material emailed to them about each event,
  • Participate in a discussion or write a brief reflection after each event,
  • Attend the wrap-up dinner in late April/early May,
  • Complete an evaluation of the program.

Passes will cost $45-$75, depending on what events are included. One alternate arts event will be offered, at no extra charge, if the participant must miss a scheduled event.

Chattanooga Art Bridges will:

  • Entirely subsidize CAB passes for four of your church leaders (or two leaders and two spouses/friends),
  • Partially subsidize CAB passes for an additional 8-12 people from your congregation,
  • Handle all logistics for ticket purchases, events, and parking,
  • Create educational material about each event, and the value of arts engagement, to give participants a context and theological posture from which to engage with the events and the arts in our community,
  • Provide a report to church leadership after the end of the series to share the participants’ experience and how the church’s ministries benefited.

If your church would like to be part of the the early 2025 pilot program, please email [email protected] no later than December 19.